
111118 RH 119 Garden City Big Band with AshColl dancers performing the Charleston webThe AshColl Dancers performing the Charleston with the Garden City Big Band. Photo suppied.World War One songs supported a generation throughout some of its darkest days.

Those songs were heard again at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre at the weekend, as the Ashburton MSA Men’s Choir staged For the Fallen to commemorate Armistice Day.

Musical director Angie Creswell said the concert was an opportunity to celebrate the freedom that was so fiercely fought for, and so bravely won 100 years ago.

“These songs speak of loss and longing, of a determination to keep going and to be strong in the face of insurmountable odds,” she said.

For the Fallen was well-received by an almost full house on Saturday night.

A second concert on Sunday saw about two thirds of seats occupied.

The choir was accompanied for some items by Phoenix Rising, and others featured including the Garden City Big Band, accompanist Olivia Pike, soloist Ocean Waitokia, and the Ashburton College dancers.

“I think it exceeded expectations. It made for a very moving and respectful tribute to Armistice Day,” said MSA choir member Rodger Letham.

Letham said if a profit was returned there would be a contribution made to the Red Cross, as without this organisation many World War One veterans would never have returned home.

By Susan Sandys © The Ashburton Guardian - 12 November 2018