
gemma duncanGemma was at college from 2011-2016 and in Green House.

She played netball for the school and was head girl in her final year, a role she was proud to fulfil. Teachers and staff who made an impact on her included Mrs Bowis, Mrs Tyrell and Ms Ferguson.

She left school to pursue a career as a primary school teacher and is currently at university.


paddy strangePaddy started college in 1974 and was a Green House member for five years.

He remembers teachers Brian Lynn and John Lynch as having the most influence on his teenage brain; maths was his favourite subject.

He left school to work as a builder’s apprentice and worked for Bradfords Construction for 10 years and then for Hansen & McFarlane Builders. He also ran his own business Backyard Enhancements.

He is married to Michele and has three children, and now sells real estate for Property Brokers in Ashburton. He still loves his rugby and multisport.

He has plenty of good memories from his college days, but said lunch break was ever long enough!

lee merrinLee was at college from 1966-1969 and was in Yellow House. She was involved with a few sports, including swimming and the horse riding team.
Her buddy Diane Deuart had a lot of fun together and she remembers her favourite subject was geography.
After school, she trained as a nurse and later moved to Australia to become a midwife. Lee now divides her time between the Gold Coast and New Zealand.
She says she wishes she had kept in touch with more of her school friends.